SatHunters Club

Introducing the SatHunters Club from Dr. Sat, an exciting way to compete with others by scanning for satellite signals and earning valuable SATVantage Reward points at the same time.
Club members participate by posting complete tuning information of their findings in our wild feeds discussion forum and monthly statistics will be compiled for all club members who posted at least one feed during the month. Participants must first signup for the SATVantage Rewards program before being able to collect points.
After monthly statistics are calculated, club members receive SATVantage Reward points based on the following:
(The normally encrypted channel must NOT already be listed as FTA in any public listing)
Please note that postings MUST include at a minimum the satellite name, orbital position, transponder frequency, polarity, symbol rate and of course, a brief event description. Incomplete feeds posted missing any of the above will only be awarded half the points and the person who ends up posting the missing required information will be awarded the other half of points.
In addition, bonus points will be awarded if any of the following optional extra information is provided:
Other special points events such as bounties may be announced from time to time. Please note that we reserve the right to change the amount of points awarded at any time with prior notice provided.
SATVantage reward points are redeemable in order to discount future Dr. Sat purchases at a rate of 20 reward points per Canadian dollar. More information on the Dr. Sat SATVantage rewards program is available on our website.